How do I maintain my listing on

If you are performing an average of 12 TIF procedures within a rolling 365-day basis or 6 TIF procedures within a 180-day basis, you are listed.
Only one physician can be officially credited as performing a single TIF procedure. You may be listed if you are teamed with additional TIF-trained physicians in your practice and your volume collectively meets the above criteria.

If you have performed your first TIF procedure (go live) as a newly trained (or retrained) physician in the past 365 days, you will be listed on the site for one year. After the 366th day, if your procedure volume exceeds 12 procedures, your listing will continue to be displayed.

If your volume is less than 12 procedures within 365-days or 6 procedures within 180-days, the system automatically removes your listing. Because it’s an on-demand automated system there are no warnings or notifications. Please report all TIF procedures –including type: straight, concomitant, LNF revision, post-POEM, etc.—to your local representative ASAP so we can maintain accurate records.

I wasn’t able to maintain the 12 procedure volume in the past year because I changed hospitals/moved to a different area/was on active military duty, etc. May I still be listed?

If you have extenuating circumstances that contributed to a low procedure volume in any 365/180-day time period, please contact to determine if your situation qualifies for an exception.

The phone number listed is not mine, but when I call it, it rings through to my office—how did you do that and why?

The number displayed on your physician listing is a proxy phone number that is connected to a telephony switch that automatically links to your “real” phone number. This switch allows us to track how many phone calls are sent from to your practice. We get reports of date, time and length of call in seconds and sometimes zip code of the caller. This information allows us to better understand the behavior of GERD sufferers seeking a new option to treat their symptoms.

Can I choose to opt out of this proxy telephone service?

Participation in Find a Physician listing service includes acceptance of proxy phone number service. EGS uses this system as part of comprehensive ongoing evaluations of its marketing programs.

You may choose to opt out of the entire Find a Physician listing service completely. Please contact to have your listing suppressed from display.

What’s the best phone number to provide?

Please provide a direct dial 10-digit phone number that doesn’t go to a switch board or automatic call triage system. It should be answered by someone in your office that you’ve designated as the GERD expert.

What are the search criteria?

Patients are able to search based on state and mile radius (5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200) around a specific zip code. The more zip codes you provide, the more likely your practice location can be found.

What happens if there isn’t anyone that meets the geographic criteria?

We provide visitors a list of physicians in neighboring states if initial search criteria are not met.

What determines the order of physicians displayed?

List rankings are determined first by distance from search zip code, then alphabetical order by the physician’s last name.

How many locations may I list?

We list the clinic address where you see patients. You may have up to three separate facility addresses including your endoscopy center, ASC or hospital outpatient department. Submit additional location information here.

How can I make corrections to my listing?

Check listing accuracy and completeness:

  • Is your name displayed per your preference?
  • Is the correct degree and fellowship noted—MD or DO, Fxxxx?
  • Is my clinic name and address correct and complete (e.g. suite number)?
  • Are all the addresses where I see patients in clinic listed?
  • Is the website link displayed live and connected to my practice and/or my hospital profile?

Submit changes here.

Does my practice website:

  • Inform visitors that I treat digestive diseases including chronic heartburn/acid reflux/GERD?
  • Instruct visitors about the diagnostic tests I am able to provide?
  • Educate patients about gastrointestinal anatomy?
  • Enable visitors to download pre-appointment materials they can print-at-home before their scheduled date/time?
  • Allow patients to complete a GERD-HRQL, RSI or GERSS questionnaire in advance?
  • Provide information about treatment options, lifestyle, medications and surgery?
  • Devote a page to the TIF procedure?
  • If not, help is available from the EGS Market Development team. they can help you determine the best solution for your situation.

Does my hospital/about doctor profile:

  • List all my training—general, fellowship, specialized including the TIF procedure, and a link to
  • Academic and society affiliations?
  • Link to my practice website (if applicable)?

Submit changes here.
