Meal Prepping: What Is It and Why Should You Start?

Just like portion sizing, meal prepping is another way to stay on top of what you’re putting in your body. With meal prepping, you can save money, better manage portion sizes, and eliminate trigger foods from your diet. Meal prepping entails preparing entire meals or dishes ahead of schedule. It can save time as well… Read more »

What Is the Proper Meal Size? A Guide to Portion Control

Understanding meal and portion sizes is an essential component of keeping your body healthy. Eating meals that are too large can aggravate a variety of conditions, like GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Furthermore, with the United States establishing initiatives for healthier eating in recent years, appropriate meal size and portion control have become more of a… Read more »

Why Is My Sleep Being Interrupted and What Can I Do About It?

The world can feel brighter and more cheerful after getting enough rest. However, it’s a different case when sleep is continuously interrupted throughout the night. A lack of sleep can make it more challenging to think clearly and can leave you feeling irritable. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, here are some reasons why that… Read more »

H2 Blocker Medication Options for GERD

An Overview of H2 Receptor Antagonists for Reflux

An Overview of H2 Receptor Antagonists for Reflux Histamine type 2 receptor antagonists —  also known as H2 blockers — are used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and ulcers. Up to 60% of the US population experiences pain and discomfort from acid reflux. GERD symptoms may commonly include: Heartburn; Difficulty swallowing; Regurgitation; Gas and… Read more »

PPI Medication Options for GERD

A man with blond hair in a white shirt putting his hands over his chest, demonstrating that he is experiencing heartburn, a common symptom of GERD.

Proton Pump Inhibitors for Treating Reflux Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive disease that occurs when the stomach’s contents return back up into the esophagus. Carrying stomach acid or bile, the contents of the stomach irritate the esophagus’ lining. Symptoms of the disease include heartburn, difficulty swallowing, excessive salivation, bloating, and chest pain. Fortunately,… Read more »